Tuesday 2 April 2024

How Can We Pray For You?

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How can we pray for you?

Please email: coffeeshopsunday@gmail.com


Monday 1 April 2024

CSS Member's Confirmation and Baptism 31 March 2024

James, a CSS member, was confirmed into membership and baptised on Easter Sunday.

James at Coventry Methodist Central Hall

James and partner, Janine - note the great hoodie! 😊

James with all three Godparents: Janine, Annie & Trevor

The CSS support team for James!

Sunday 11 February 2024

Weekend in Southend 10-11 February 2024

Sue, Trevor and Annie travelled from Coventry to Southend-on-Sea on Saturday 10.2.24 to meet up with Simon and Linda. On Sunday, it was Simon’s Induction service at the Burnham-on-Crouch Baptist Church, where he is the Community and Digital Pastor.

On Saturday, we went for a walk along the sea front.... dogs included!

The weather was a bit damp and overcast but we enjoyed the exercise.

Dinner at Thomassi's restaurant, where a blend of British and Italian cuisine was served. There was a good selection of Ice Cream Sundaes.

Trevor enjoyed his 'nutty chocolate sundae'.

Simon leading at Burnham Baptist Church on Sunday.

Annie & Trevor performed a caterpillar sketch about 'transformation'.

Simon with the Regional Minister.

The congregation.

Amazing artwork!

Linda, Annie & Trevor after the service.

Friday 10 November 2023


One of our CSS members, Linda, was reaffirmed into the Christian faith. A special service took place on 10th November in the Wesley Chapel at the Coventry Methodist Central Hall, led by Revd Stephen. It was a wonderful occasion and was supported by several members of CSS, in person and via a Zoom link 💓🙏

Linda and Rev Stephen

Rev Stephen (Central Hall) and Rev Simon (our IT expert and CSS Leadership Team member)

Pastor Trevor & Rev Simon (CSS Leadership Team)

Pastor Trevor, Rev Stephen and Linda

There was some canine support too!

Monday 16 October 2023


 A team of us from CSS went to Devon and Cornwall in October. First stop was Seaton in Devon for a Cream Tea, then we continued our journey to St. Austell in Cornwall and stayed for 2 nights.

The start of the journey from Coventry

Our first stop in Seaton, Devon - Moira, Trevor and Annie

We spent Saturday morning and Sunday morning at Mount Charles Methodist Church in St. Austell, Cornwall. Members of the congregation made us very welcome.

Trevor & Annie performed a sketch at our gathering on Saturday

Superintendent Minister Rev Paul Benney performed an excelled monologue. We assure you that he does not support Satan! 😂 

Paul is an accomplished pianist

Rev Paul and his lovely wife Esther were our hosts and accommodated us for the weekend. Here are Mary, Sue, Paul & Trevor
Mary, Esther & Paul

The CSS team with Rev Paul Benney. Photo taken before our return journey to Coventry, except for Mary (far left) who stayed on for a few days. It was a wonderful weekend and with give our heartfelt thanks to Rev Paul, his wife Esther and all who gave us such a warm welcome 💓

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Gathering and Prayer Walk on 17th September 2023

Five of us (plus Honey the dog) went on a city centre prayer walk on Sunday. We met a nice young man who joined us for coffee and cake afterwards. Others from the CSS team held the fort at the drop-in session at Open Doors Café, where passers-by popped in for refreshments 😊🙏🍰🥤

Sunday 3 September 2023

Open Doors Gathering on 3rd September 2023

We had a lovely 'Open Doors' gathering this afternoon at Warwick Road café, followed by a Zoom session, led by Jonathan, talking about 'inclusiveness'. In the first photo, Janine and James are holding up some artwork, started by Mary at our weekend gathering in June. People have added to it and the artwork is finished! 🎨 📷💻🙏🎶