Thursday, 9 January 2020

Coffee Shop Sunday #3

We had a terrific third Coffee Shop Sunday on 5 January.

There was an increased turnout with 35 in attendance, including 3 Costa staff and 9 non-church people who stayed ‘for a while’.

The theme was ‘New Year, New Beginnings’, and despite a few blips with technology, God was in the room! An 8-minute YouTube clip was shown of Shane Taylor, giving testimony at the Holy Trinity Brompton Church. Shane was once considered Britain’s ‘youngest most dangerous criminal’.

Here’s a list of the songs we had the greatest pleasure in singing:

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman
King of Kings, Majesty by Jared Cooper
My Jesus, My Saviour by Darlene Zschech
When the Music Fades (The Heart of Worship) by Matt Redman

Bill Holdforth, part of the Prayer Team, led prayers and included one that was emailed to us.  We now have several requests in the ‘box’ and will include these at our next gathering on 19th January.

We had fantastic contributions from the Welcome Team and Music Team – thank you!